Photo by Garrett Morrow from Pexels

Gamify Your Creativity With These Productivity Apps

Productivity is a state of focus, where more is achieved with fewer inputs. Among other elements need to stay productive, perhaps the most important is motivation. To create lasting habits, you need strong motivation. A great way to support motivation when establishing habits and routines is to gamify your productivity. This can create intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Here are 10 apps to gamify your creativity and stay productive.

For more tips, check out these apps to boost productivity and creativity.

Habitica is a productivity app that makes it simple to have fun while accomplishing goals. Simply put in habits, goals, or your to-do list, and then create a custom avatar. As you complete tasks, you level up your avatar and fight monsters trying to stop your productivity. The more you get done, the more you unlock, including features such as armor, pets, skills, and even quests! You can even work with friends to keep each other accountable. Flexible, social, and fun, Habitica is the perfect way to motivate yourself to accomplish anything. Habitica is free, but it also offers subscriptions with special monthly equipment sets, team plans, and more.



Created by game designer Jane McGonigal, SuperBetter is a productivity app that helps you builds resilience. Learn to stay strong, motivated, and optimistic even in the face of change and difficult challenges, including anxiety, depression, stress, chronic pain, and more. SuperBetter has free services and is powered by the Live Gamefully® method, a framework that activates the psychological strengths of gameplay to build resilience.


Zombies Run

Add some creativity to your runs with this fun and immersive running game and audio adventure. With Zombies, Run!, Every run becomes a mission where you’re the hero, with our immersive audio drama putting you at the center of your very own zombie adventure story. While you run to the perfect mix of heart-pumping audio drama and pulse-pounding songs from your own playlist, you’ll collect supplies to grow your base back home.


Bounty Tasker: To-do List RPG

Bounty tasker

Bounty Tasker, the to-do list RPG app, helps you stay productive and keep things engaging so you can work effectively and be more stress-free. Turn your life into an RPG and level up your productivity by turning habits and daily tasks into in-game quests. As you complete quests, you will earn new equipment to strengthen your avatar and unlock new characters. Explore a world of endless productivity and build better habits in real life while also having fun.


Productivity challenge timer

Productivity Challenge Timer is an app that aims to help you be more productive, more focused, and waste less time. Challenge yourself to work harder and track your habits to earn achievements, learn more about yourself, and discover insights to develop further productivity in the future. The app includes project management tracking, so you know how much time you spent working on each element in the project, but it’s not meant to be an organizer or a to-do list. The purpose of this app is not to promote a healthy work-life balance but to get you to work harder.


Beeminder app

Do you have trouble sticking to your goals? Do you need more accountability to build habits and routines? Try Beeminder, an app service that will keep you motivated and accountable. Beeminder is a simple productivity app that combines self-tracking and monetary incentives to help you stick to your goals. You pledge (actual money) to keep all your data points on a Yellow Brick Road to achieving your goal. If you go off track, you pay your pledge.


Epic WIn productivity app

EpicWin is an iPhone app that puts the adventure into your productivity. It’s a to-do list, but with a role-playing spin. Instead of just ticking off your chores and reminders, completing tasks earns you XP to improve and develop your character in an ongoing quest to improve stats, gain riches, and level-up. EpicWin has 5 animated avatars that grow in characteristics that represent your own life. Will you be a Maiden of Juggled Priorities or a King of Win? The lifestyle you lead will decide.


Forest App

Sometimes the key to staying productive is eliminating distractions. With the Forest app, you can keep off your phone with the cutest focus timer and unleash your productivity. In this app, you plant a tree for a certain amount of time and watch it grow as you complete your task. If you get distracted and pick up your phone, your tree dies. If you commit to your task without getting distracted, your tree grows. If you continue to stay focused over time, you will have an entire forest built from your focus and commitment. This app is a great way to break phone addiction and form better habits. Earn rewards by staying focused and unlock adorable trees. View your daily/weekly/monthly/yearly progress and learn about your own focus habits. If you unlock the pro mode, the forest app will plant real trees with their partner, Trees for the Future. They’ve planted 800,000 so far. Need more accountability? Plant trees and stay focused with friends. If one of you fails to stay focused, you’ll all get a dead tree!


Plant Nanny

How often do you forget to drink water when you’re focused on the task at hand? Water is essential for life and maintaining a healthy brain, but drinking enough can easily be neglected. With Plant Nanny, you can keep track of how much water you drink while also growing a cute virtual garden. This helpful app provides a customized plan that uses simple charts and interfaces so you can get a solid grasp on your water consumption. As you improve your drinking habits, you will boost your spirits, improve health, and cultivate good habits to stay productive.


Habit Hunter

Another great gamification app that turns your tasks into an RPG adventure is Habit Hunter (Originally Goal Hunter). This free app helps you build a habit of creating and managing your goals. Set personal goals, break down goals into tasks (or to-do list), track your progress, and motivate yourself to achieve new heights! The more tasks you complete in your real life, the stronger the hero will be. Break down goals into smaller to-do lists/milestones. Don’t let the distraction monster win. Create a strong and productive hero where no task is too great or too small.


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