5 Creative Ways to Get in Shape

Do you want to get in shape, support creativity, and stay motivated at the same time? Discover creative ways to support a healthy lifestyle.

Getting in shape can be a challenge. From staying motivated to finding time to work out, it’s not easy. One way to support healthy habits and reach your fitness goals is by adding creativity. This could be mixing up your routines in unique and creative ways to finding a healthy activity that helps you express yourself. Adding creative elements to get in shape is a form of personalization that can lead to flow states, stronger motivation, and many other benefits for the creative mind.

Connecting creative thinking with healthy habits to get in shape is nothing new. Throughout history, famous creative minds have stacked their creative habits with healthy ones. Whether it’s just a simple pairing of brainstorming with running like Haruki Murakami or Salvador Dalí pairing swimming with painting. There are many creative ways to get in shape and support creativity at the same time.

Parkour / Obstacle Running

Parkour-creative ways to get in shape
Photo by Rémy Penet on Unsplash

Parkour, also known as free-running, is a creative fitness discipline in which practitioners (traceurs/free runners) attempt to get from point A to point B in the most fluid way possible. Using real-life objects as an obstacle course, this creative way to get in shape includes many creative elements that benefit the body and mind. To accomplish the goals of this activity, practitioners must see the world in new and creative ways. 

Creative Benefits:

  • Observation
  • Imagination
  • Flow
  • Problem Solving
  • Mind/Body Connection
  • Play

If you’re familiar with this creative movement, you’ve probably seen some of the death-defying stunts and ways practitioners have pushed the limits of what’s possible, but this doesn’t mean parkour has to be an extreme sport for you. There are many ways to practice parkour in the safety and leadership at gyms or other forms of obstacle course races that require creative movement and thinking.


  • Go on a walk and visualize creative paths and movements in your mind as you explore the world.
  • Parkour requires mindfulness. Train at your own pace and listen to your body. Respect your limits.
  • Join and learn parkour from others by attending Jams. Jams are giant Parkour meetup groups for traceurs.
  • Wear the right clothes and shoes that have a good grip.
  • Mix up your running with an obstacle course race/marathon.
  • Best Obstacle Course Races – Runner’s World

LARP – Live Action Role Playing

LARP creative ways to get in shape
Photo by Henry Hustava on Unsplash

LARP or Live Action Role Playing is a healthy form of playing a role-playing game where the participants physically portray their characters. If you’ve ever dreamed of being a knight or other fantasy character fighting to save the kingdom, this is a great way to get in shape and connect with other like-minded people.

Inspired by tabletop role-playing games, people have been exercising their bodies and creativity since the 1970s. Nowadays, it’s much easier to find groups and even large public events with thousands of players lasting for days.

Creative Benefits:

  • Imagination
  • Play
  • Collaboration
  • Improvisation
  • Stress Relief
  • Confidence

Not into fantasy, there are also Jedi schools and other science fiction-like larping groups where you can master the lightsaber.


  • Start as a non-player character (NPC) to learn the mechanics, rules, and roles.
  • Don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s all in good fun.
  • Be open-minded and practice rules of improv like yes and.
  • Bring a friend.
  • Research the event and get creative with your backstory, but leave room to develop your character.
  • Don’t strive for perfection. This is a good time to practice the beginner’s mind or growth mindset.
  • Try or watch some D&D to learn the basics of roleplaying.

VR Fitness

Creative Ways to Get in Shape
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

One of the most up-and-coming creative ways to get in shape is the growing VR fitness industry. Harnessing the power of play and imagination, your workouts can take on a completely new and unique form of fitness. The buy-in cost can be a bit high depending on the route you take, but devices are getting cheaper, with even some limited possibilities to use your phone as a VR device.

Creative Benefits:

  • Imagination
  • Play
  • Gamification
  • Stress Relief
  • Balance and coordination

VR opens up many possibilities for healthy habits, creativity, and well-being, and because of the gamification added into most tools, there are added benefits of motivation and play.


  • Warm up properly and stay hydrated.
  • Add more intensity to your VR workout with weighted equipment or resistance band kit, but be careful.
  • Know your surroundings and have enough space before starting.
  • Keep your equipment clean and sanitary, either with VR covers or cleaning your VR equipment after workouts.
  • Wear a sweatband or bandana.
  • Put a fan in front of your workout space.
  • Track your progress with an Apple Watch, Fitbit, or other health tracker and apps.
Best Apps To Stay Healthy and Creative

Speaking of gamification, one of the most creative ways to get in shape is to make a game out of it. Every year, more healthy apps are released with gamification features. This is because by providing rewards or incentives for everyday chores, healthy habits, and so on, people are more likely to get it done. Gamification creates a challenge, helps motivate you to overcome it, and then provides a reward when finished. This game loop can support new and tough habits, especially when first getting started.

Creative Benefits:

  • Habit Stacking
  • Play
  • Gamification
  • Stress Relief
  • Analysis and Progress Tracking



  • Know what your goals are before adding gamification.
  • Create your own rewards for hitting your goals.
  • Track and measure your performance.
  • If you’re getting bored or distracted, add new challenges.
  • Stack your habits and gamification to ensure a long-lasting routine.
  • Practice with friends and family to add social accountability.


Acroyoga Creative Health
Photo by Andrei Lasc on Unsplash

Do you have a partner or friend that wants to get in shape together? Acroyoga may be for you.

This creative way to get in shape combines the flexibility and stretching of yoga with acrobatics. It can be more vigorous than most forms of yoga exercise, so it’s best to learn in a class setting and with spotters to stay safe.

Learning Acroyoga requires strength training, flexibility training, and technique training. To master and feel comfortable with these movements, you will need to combine different types of training, but the creative and health benefits can be felt in all areas of life. Acroyoga improves mindfulness, mind/body connection, communication skills, collaboration with others, self-expression, flow, and more.

Creative Benefits:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Flow
  • Mindfulness
  • Mind/Body Connection
  • Play


  • Practice open communication at all times.
  • Don’t rush. It’s about smart progression.

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