How Writers Can Use Pinterest for Creative Productivity

Key Takeaways:

  • Use Pinterest to organize ideas to assist in the creative process.
  • Find inspiration for worldbuilding and character development.
  • Improve writing skills.
  • Boost well-being and self-care.

The creative process for writers can be tough to organize, find inspiration, and more. Learn how to use Pinterest for creative productivity.

There are five stages in the creative process, and the first and possibly most important stage is preparation. This is where the writer immerses themself in the domain and explores the creative problem from every angle. The purpose is to absorb as much information as possible to assist in making connections in later stages. What better way to help organize these ideas than the visual medium of Pinterest.

For more ideas follow Creative Enso on Pinterest.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual sharing and social media service that helps people discover and organize ideas in the form of pinboards. Often described as a visual search engine, users can post, save, and share “Pins” of visual content that includes; images, video, GIFs, text, and infographics.


  • Organize ideas with pinboards.
  • Explore recommended ideas as pinboards fill up.
  • Use web extensions to add pins anywhere on the web.
  • Share and follow pins of other creatives.
  • Upload your own pins.

Pinterest Boards For Writers

How can Pinterest benefit writers and other creatives? Here’s a ton of Pinterest boards to inspire and boost creativity and the writing process.


Use a worldbuilding board to develop and find inspiration for how your story looks and feels. Create a resource not only for inspiration but even later in the writing process when you begin painting with words.

Pinterest Boards

Knowledge Boards

Use this type of board to collect general pieces of knowledge to help you as a writer when times are tough, or you need to look up a quick resource like a useful grammar infographic.

Pinterest Boards

Quotes & Words

Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

Words are often seen as the sword of a writer, so collect these tools to overcome the battles of finishing your story and finding inspiration for how to express yourself.

Pinterest Boards

Self-Care Boards

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Being creative can take a toll on anyone putting themselves out there and digging deep to make something meaningful. This is why it’s so important to take care of yourself because when wellness goes down so does creativity.

Pinterest Boards

Lifestyle Boards

Creativity is an adventure and a way of life. Without awe, life becomes routine, but when we live creatively, one can fully express themself by living in the moment where the mind is free to let the body create. It’s a habit, a way of being, a style of existing full of new possibilities, discoveries, and invention.

Pinterest Boards

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