Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

3 Inspiring Meditations for Creative Play

Meditation is often considered a serious practice, but it can also be a playful one. Here are 3 inspiring meditations for creative play.

Has your creative work and life become too serious? Are racing thoughts distracting you from being present, but meditation seems counterproductive? Consider creative meditations to mix things up for health and creativity, like these playful meditations to reignite our creative joy through mindfulness.

As we grow older, the responsibilities of adulthood can overshadow the playfulness we once cherished, especially in the creative process. We can become lost thinking about the things we need to do that we forget to be present and enjoy the moment. These meditations for creative play combine the benefits of meditation with the benefits of play to provide respite from the relentless demands of our daily routines. 

Play is not just for children; it is an inherent part of our human nature and can help you unlock a gateway to enhanced creativity, well-being, productivity, and a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Mandala Meditation

Let Your Inner Child Create and Color Its Way to Relaxation and Mindfulness

Zen Coloring Book

Mandala meditation is a geometric design that often starts from a central point and expands outward, forming intricate patterns and shapes. Dating back to the first century B.C.E., practitioners have practiced this meditation as a way to focus attention, establish a sacred space, and aid in a trance induction for relaxation, visualization, and even play.

Derived from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” a mandala represents wholeness, unity, and harmony. Engaging in mandala meditation involves creating or coloring mandalas, which can be a deeply therapeutic and transformative experience.

Mandala meditation is great for creatives of all ages and hosts many benefits to support the creative life. As you immerse yourself in the process of designing or coloring a mandala, you tap into your innate artistic expression. Selecting colors, patterns, and shapes can unlock a sense of flow and freedom. The process encourages you to visualize, think outside the box, and foster a sense of playfulness and imagination.

Whether you are stress relief, personal growth, or playful relaxation, engaging in mandala meditation can be a valuable and enriching experience.



  • Gather the materials needed:
    • A Mandala that resonates with you and your intention.
  • Materials to color/create the Mandala (crayons, chalk, paint, sand, etc.)
  • Use music to help you stay grounded and get into the flow.


  • Find a comfortable spot with no distractions.
  • Decide on an intention that you want to visualize and express in the Mandala.
  • Ground yourself in the present moment. Either with a few deep breaths or a short meditation.
  • Start creating.
  • Let your mind focus and be absorbed by the mandala. Let it flow, wander, and play without judgment.
  • Finishing:
    • Share, keep for yourself, journal your thoughts, or destroy to symbolize impermanence and let go.


  • Try different mediums for your Mandala (coloring, sand, digital, etc.)
  • Pair with music that triggers flow.
  • Collaborate with others.
  • Find a mandala coloring book that inspires you.

Dancing Meditation

Discover Mindfulness and Freedom of Expression Through the Playful Act of Dance

As long as there have been people and music, people have danced for many reasons, including meditation. 

This playful form of meditation has always been around. It is a powerful and playful way to meditate that grounds your body in the present moment with flow through playful movement. Combining movement and mindfulness, dancing meditations offer a unique path to self-expression, freedom, and joy. 

All you have to do is put on your favorite music and let your body move freely.

A dance meditation can be practiced on your own or with others. When we dance, we move beyond the constraints of rigid patterns and expectations. Dancing encourages us to express ourselves authentically and explore our full range of emotions by tapping into our innate creative energy and allowing it to flow freely. As we let go of inhibitions and self-judgment, we create a supportive space of creative expression and playful connection. Through dance, we can let go of seriousness and embrace a sense of lightness and fun. This playfulness not only brings joy to our lives but also opens doors to new possibilities, encourages experimentation, and fosters a sense of adventure.



  • Choose music that will get you dancing and bring you joy.
  • Stretch and be limber.
  • Wear comfy clothes (express yourself).


  • Find a comfortable spot with no distractions.
  • Relax and center yourself in the present moment with a few deep breaths or a short meditation.
  • Start playing the music.
  • Do a mindful body scan, feeling the sensations and music connect and flow as your body relaxes.
  • Begin to move as soon as you feel the urge, letting your body lead the mind.
  • Stay focused on your body and the movement without judgment.
  • If thoughts arise, bring your focus back to your body moving with the music.
  • When you’re ready to end, relax into stillness with a normal meditation.


  • Wear comfy clothes that help you express yourself.
  • Practice with friends and family.
  • Be spontaneous and dance whenever you get the urge.
  • Try unique and new music to add more that boosts creativity.
  • Create a dance meditation playlist.
  • Create an inspiring environment to fit your mood and dance.
  • Find meditation classes/workshops for unique dance meditations with others.

Guided Imagery Meditation

Ignite Your Playful Imagination and Other Creative Skills Through Relaxing Guided Imagery Meditations

Photo by Bradley Hook from Pexels

Use your imagination to embark on a playful journey of the mind with guided imagery meditation. Find mindfulness and peace in magical worlds where anything is possible.

Guided imagery meditation is a transformative mindful practice that can support creativity, play, and overall well-being. By tapping into the limitless potential of visualization and imagination, creatives can unlock their creative abilities to support their well-being. This practice taps into our creative abilities to think beyond the limitations of the rational mind and encourages us to explore new ideas, alternative perspectives, and innovative solutions. By engaging in guided imagery, we unlock the door to our imagination, allowing us to access a wellspring of creativity and inspiration to support other areas of our creative life.

Let your imagination wander with playful abandonment, either with a guided meditation or other forms of meditation that support visualization and guided imagery. Reconnect with the childlike wonder and curiosity that often get buried in the responsibilities and routines of adulthood. Guided imagery encourages us to suspend judgment, embrace a sense of adventure, and approach our experiences with a lighthearted and open mindset. This playful attitude fosters a sense of freedom, allowing us to explore uncharted territories of our creativity and tap into our inner joy.



  • Create/find a space with no distractions.
  • Find a guided meditation that fits your goals or have a goal/plan to imagine your own.


  • Find a comfortable spot with no distractions.
  • Close your eyes and take deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment.
  • Either on your own or with a guided meditation, visualize a peaceful and calming setting to explore.
  • Focus on the details (sights, smells, sounds, etc.)
  • As you become more immersed, slow down and breathe to feel the full calmness of the scene.
  • When finished, open your eyes and stretch to reenter the present.


  • Try VR-guided Meditations.
  • Improve your imagination by focusing on the details (scents, sounds, touch, etc.).
  • Think about the places that inspire and help you relax.
  • Try different guided meditations to find what works best for you.
  • Imagine activities and experiences, as well as settings that relax and inspire you.
  • Find meditation classes/workshops for unique guided meditations.
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