Inspiring Creative Meditation Quotes

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20 Meditation Quotes From Famous Creative Minds

Many creatives practice meditation to aid in their creative process and lifestyle. Here are 20 meditation quotes from famous creative minds.

There are many health and creative benefits of meditation, so it’s no surprise so many famous creative minds practice this healthy habit in some form to support brainstorming, creative process, and a healthy lifestyle. And Meditation doesn’t just have to be sitting in stillness. There are many unique meditation techniques to help you personalize your practice and find what works best for your and your creative process. 

Whether you’re just starting a meditation practice or you’re a seasoned practitioner, learn meditation insights and quotes from famous creative minds to inspire and support your creativity.

“The thing about meditation is you become more and more you.”
― David Lynch

“Meditation needs no results. Meditation can have itself as an end, I meditate without words and on nothingness. What tangles my life is writing.”
― Hélène Cixous

“Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.”
― James Allen

“You don’t meditate once and suddenly your life turns around. What it does is it lets you train your brain to be able to become more stable in an action-oriented way.”
― Goldie Hawn
Actress, Comedian

“We tend to think of meditation in only one way. But life itself is a meditation.”
― Raul Julia

“Meditation is about getting still enough to know the difference between the voice and you. It’s a heightened state of being that lets whatever you’re doing be your best life, from moment to astonishing moment.”
― Oprah Winfrey
talk show host, actress, author

“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”
― Steve Jobs
American entrepreneur

“Writing is a very focused form of meditation, just as good as sitting in a lotus position.”
― Alan Moore
Writer and Comic Book Author

“At the end of the day, I can end up just totally wacky, because I’ve made mountains out of molehills. With meditation, I can keep them as molehills.”
― Ringo Starr
Musician, Singer, and Songwriter

“When you’re a kid, you lay in the grass and watch the clouds going over, and you literally don’t have a thought in your mind. It’s purely meditation, and we lose that.”
― Dick Van Dyke
actor, comedian, and writer

“Truth is the offspring of silence and meditation. I keep the subject constantly before me and wait ’til the first dawnings open slowly, by little and little, into a full and clear light.”
― Isaac Newton
Mathematician, physicist, astronomer,

“Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.”
― Voltaire
Writer, historian, and philosopher

“I believe that reading and writing are the most nourishing forms of meditation anyone has so far found. By reading the writings of the most interesting minds in history, we meditate with our own minds and theirs as well. This to me is a miracle.”
― Kurt Vonnegut

“Certainly work is not always required of a man. There is such a thing as a sacred idleness, the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.”
― George Mac Donald

“I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.”
― T.S. Eliot
Poet, essayist, playwright

“Learn to slow down. Get lost intentionally. Observe how you judge both yourself and those around you.”
― Tim Ferriss
American entrepreneur, author

“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear””
― Rumi

“Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.”
― Marcus Aurelius
Roman Emperor and Philosopher

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless—like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
― Bruce Lee
Martial Artist, actor, Writer, Philosopher

“Meditation is not about feeling a certain way. It’s about feeling the way you feel.”
― Dan Harris
Journalist, Writer

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