Positive affirmations for creative living

Photo by Oksana Berko on Unsplash

50 Positive Affirmations to Support Your Creative Life

Stress, anxiety, and other challenges are natural parts of the creative process. Cultivating a mindset to overcome these challenges isn’t only helpful but necessary to support a happy, creative life. Here are 50 positive affirmations to instill a positive mindset to overcome creative challenges.

Positive affirmations are statements directed at the self to promote confidence and challenge negative thoughts. With the creative process often being internal and full of ups and downs, negative thinking and other challenges are commonplace. A healthy and productive creative process flows better when the creative can maintain a positive and growth mindset. Positive affirmations are one way to overcome the challenges that pop up during the creative process.

Benefits of Positive Affirmations

How to Use Positive Affirmations

1. Use Present Tense

  • Use affirmations that are clear and based on the present to direct your attention to the present moment instead of a future goal.

2. Repeat and Say Your Affirmations Out Loud

  • Like all good habits, repetition helps instill the positivity, and saying them out loud adds more focus to the statement. You can also write affirmations out to direct your focus to the statements.

3. Personalize and Add Feeling Into Your Affirmation

  • The more connected you are to the statement with feelings and personalization, the more power it has. Just like the negative thoughts we tell ourselves and start believing, so can this work with positive thinking. Improve affirmations by making them your own.

4. Visualize Positive Outcomes

  • As you instill positive thinking in the present moment, use the power of imagination to envision a better future. With each affirmation, imagine what actions you need to take to achieve your goals.

Affirmations for Creative Flow

Creativity flows through me in abundance.

I will not be restricted by my comfort zone.

I let go of the way things should be and trust my creativity.

I am in the process of positive change – I am in flow.

My creativity flows perfectly and with ease, I trust the process of life.

Affirmations for Anxiety and Stress

Great things are coming, I trust the process of life.

I am in the process of positive change.

I breathe in peace and breathe out creativity.

As I create, I heal.

I now live in limitless love, light, and creativity.

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Affirmations for Creative Burnout

Creativity is my natural state, I will overcome this.

By doing less, I create more space for what matters most.

My worth is determined by who I am, not by what I do.

My creativity is fueled by rest.

I am more effective and creative when I take breaks for self-care.

Affirmations for Creative Confidence

My path is carved for greatness.

I am creating a positive influence on the world.

I have within me all the ingredients for success.

I remain confident and determined in the face of creative blocks.

I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.

Affirmations for Creative Collaboration

I approach everyone and everything with enthusiasm.

I am open to new opportunities and possibilities.

I am a team player and can get along well with others.

I am excited and open to learning from others.

I surround myself with positive, supportive creatives.

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Affirmations for Creative Productivity

I have everything I need to make today great.

Today I will make progress toward my creative goals.

My creativity has purpose and transforms people’s lives.

I grow and improve every day. Failure is just one step on the way to success.

I believe in myself and trust in my abilities.

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Affirmations for Creative Health

I easily adopt new and healthy habits.

I support my body and mind with healthy choices.

I make sleep and relaxation a priority in my creative life.

Negative self-talk has no place in my creative life.

Today I create my own happiness and creative moments

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Affirmations for Creative Happiness

I am grateful for my creative life.

Happiness is a choice, and I choose to be happy.

I have the power to shape my ideal creative life.

I experience joy in everything I do.

I am constantly creating everything my heart desires.

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Affirmations for Inspiration

I find inspiration everywhere I look.

All I need is within me right now.

My heart and mind are open to new perspectives and limitless inspiration.

I am inspired by the world around me to create amazing things.

Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more inspired.

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Affirmations for Creative Living

I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind. It’s my creative time.

Creative energy flows to me easily and guides me to brilliant ideas and happiness.

My creative dreams are coming true every day.

I have the power within me to create the life I desire.

My creativity shines in everything I do.

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