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How to Drink Tea to Boost Creativity and Well-Being

Tea is more than a tasty beverage with a long history of health benefits. Learn the science and tea drinking habits to boost creativity and well-being.

Tea, first mentioned in early Chinese scripts from the Shang (1766–1050 BC) and Zhou (1122–256 BC) dynasties, has been a go-to beverage for creativity and well-being, from zen monks to creative minds. The list of health and creative benefits is long, but perhaps the best way to support creativity with tea is through the process and habits themselves.

Mindful Drinking

Drink tea mindfully to boost creativity by reducing mind wandering and improving self-awareness, focus, and other cognitive functions.

“There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.”

― Lin Yutang
The Importance of Living

There are many health and creative benefits to drinking tea. Perhaps most importantly are the mindful benefits that come from the practice itself. 

Traditionally known as Gongfu Cha, which translates to “making tea with skill”, is a mindful practice of making and serving tea similar to other zen arts like calligraphy or martial arts. 

The practice involves using smaller brewing cups and a higher leaf-to-water ratio to maximize the flavor. It requires mindfulness, not just in making tea but also in enjoying it. 

Tea enthusiasts and masters will practice a lifetime to brew tea perfectly, but the real reward is the grounding and meditative ritual. From being fully present in the moment to brewing the tea to focusing all five senses when drinking, gongfu cha is a mindful practice that uses creative skills to support well-being.

Sure, you can drink and enjoy tea without practicing mindfulness, but because of how tea engages the senses, it becomes a great tool for guiding and relaxing the body, mind, and soul.


  • Use tea to direct your focus and stay grounded.
    • Adding mindfulness through tea can help you train your focus and overcome distracting thoughts and surroundings.
    • Use tea to ground yourself before your creative practice and after to clear your mind.
  • Don’t rush. Make every movement with purpose and focus.
  • Choose a tea to match the mood you want.
  • Relax your body before starting.
  • Create a daily ritual to do nothing but enjoy some tea in the present moment.
  • Use all five senses to ground yourself in the moment:
    • Observe the color changes tea goes through.
    • Smell the the tea before and after adding water.
    • Listen to the water boil.
    • Taste the various flavors of tea and its journey from a field to your cup.
    • Feel the texture of the tea leaves and warmth through the tea cups.
  • Drink slowly and breathe gently.

Communication and Collaboration

Drink tea with others to boost creativity by sharing the present moment and creating a calming atmosphere for better collaboration and communication.

“A cup of tea is an excuse to share great thoughts with great minds.”

― Cristina Re
Luxury Teaware Designer

There are many ways to enjoy and support creativity with tea, but perhaps the best way is with others. Like cooking and eating, tea brings people together.

From philosophers drinking tea to help discuss deep questions to everyday people sharing tea to express respect and humility, tea helps ground people in the moment to connect in meaningful ways. Studies have also shown other cognitive benefits from drinking tea that support communication and collaboration, such as improving attentionmemorylowering stress, and more.

Because tea drinking can be a mindful practice when done with others, it can support collaboration and communication. All five senses are used when practicing gong fu cha which supports being present and eliminating distractions so you can be a better listener and more aware of what you want to express.


  • Create a relaxing atmosphere with natural elements like incense, music, etc.
  • Strengthen listening skills by drinking tea to slow down and be fully present when your mind wanders or wants to interrupt. 
  • Pick the right type of tea for your mutual goals.
    • Do you need more energy for brainstorming sessions or a more relaxing tea for communication?
  • If you have multiple teacups available, let your guest pick their own to personalize the experience and support self-expression.

Creative Productivity

Energize the mind and body by drinking tea to boost creative productivity, which supports creative skills like divergent thinking, focus, flow, observation, and more.

Drink Tea for creative productivity
Photo by Cup of Couple

“I must drink lots of tea or I cannot work. Tea unleashes the potential which slumbers in the depth of my soul”

― Leo Tolstoy
Russian writer

Gongfu Cha, or making tea with skill, isn’t just about brewing the perfect cup of tea. It’s an artful practice that can support other areas of life, from self-development to the creative process. Because of the many cognitive benefits of drinking tea and how easy it is to personalize, it’s no surprise that many famous creative minds have a tea-drinking habit.

Some drink tea to start their day and creative process. Some drink tea at the end of the day to rest. The fascinating thing about drinking tea to boost creativity and productivity is its energizing and relaxing elements that can support different phases of the creative process. 

Unlike coffee, which increases mental alertness but can be overstimulating, tea can deliver an energy boost that is more relaxed and has fewer adverse side effects. Scientists are also finding evidence that tea can support divergent thinkingfocusflowobservation, and other creative skills. Perfect for creative work and triggering flow states. 

Besides the growing evidence of positive benefits of drinking tea to boost creativity and productivity, perhaps the best way to support productivity with tea is the practice itself.


Hustle culture and other forms of toxic productivity tells people to push their limits of overworking. This is a fast ticket to creative burnout and other harmful effects on one’s mental health. 

Taking breaks is the true productivity hack to better work.

Start a tea-drinking practice to support your breaks to refresh the mind and body to relieve any stress or anxiety that comes up. These calming breaks have also been found to be the key ingredient to “Aha moments.

Taking breaks refreshes the mind and eases the stress and exhaustion arising from working for long stretches


  • Use tea brewing and drinking as an opportunity to take a break and rest.
    • Don’t just use tea for an energy boost. Productivity can come out of rest too.
  • Create and personalize your tea space and practice to fit your needs.
  • Use tea with areas of productivity that need a clear mind, such as brainstorming, planning, goal setting, meetings, etc.
  • Gamify your tea habits and boost productivity by making tea breaks a reward for finishing tasks.
  • There are also different types of teas to support the phases of the creative process. Choose a tea that matches your goal, from teas that are better for boosting energy to more relaxing teas.

Relaxation and Calmness

Relax the mind and body with tea which contains natural relaxing amino acids and antioxidants that reduce stress and anxiety, and inspire calm.

tea relaxing creative habit
Photo by Eva Elijas

“Tea tempers the spirit, harmonizes the mind, dispels lassitude and relieves fatigue, awakens the thought and prevents drowsiness.”

― Lu Yu
The Classic Art of Tea

Throughout history, tea has been praised for its relaxing and energizing benefits. When it comes to science, there’s still a lot that is unknown, but research is showing positive effects.

In 2006, researchers found that six weeks of tea consumption helped people lower stress and have greater subjective relaxation. However, researchers are still studying the reasons why. 

Many studies point to tea catechins like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and L-theanine as the main compounds behind these relaxing and productive effects.

What makes these findings interesting is their possible benefits for creativity and productivity. Cultivating a calming and energizing effect can help trigger flow states for productive work and support other phases of the creative process.

Outside of this research, and the different types of teas that can alter mood, perhaps the best way to use tea for relaxation is in the process and ritual itself. Like mindful drinking, tea can inspire moments of zen in your daily routine. By focusing the mind through the five senses and being present, you can let go of negative thoughts, worries, and other distractions and clear the mind for better relaxation


  • When stress and anxiety are creating blocks, use tea to ground yourself and calm the mind.
    • Tea breaks are a wonderful reminder to slow down and support mental health and creative thinking.
  • Recommended teas for anxiety include mint teaschamomile teaslavender teasrose teas, and matcha.
  • Pair a relaxing tea session with journaling to explore anxious thoughts and add further support for stress relief and growth.
  • Create a relaxing space to support your tea practice for relaxation.

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