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30 Travel Journal Prompts to Inspire Creativity

How do you get the most out of travel before, during, and after a trip? When you travel for creativity, you’ll find new ways to spark inspiration at all stages, and one way to do that is by starting a travel journal. Here are 30 creative travel journal prompts to inspire creativity.

There are many reasons why you should keep a travel journal, and it’s easy to learn how to start one. But if you’re having trouble getting the words to flow, these writing prompts are a great way to get started and spark inspiration.

Don’t forget to get a good travel notebook for your next adventure.

Before the Trip Writing Prompts

Who says you need to wait until you’re traveling to experience the positive effects of travel? A 2002 study found that even thinking about future trips sparks happiness and improve well-being. Try these travel journal prompts to help you plan a creative retreat and get in the mood for an adventure.

What does travel mean to you?

What are your creative travel goals?

What are your biggest fears about the trip?

What is on your bucket list for this trip?

What is something you want to do but scares you?

What is a fear you would like to overcome while traveling?

What are you most excited about?

What has been your favorite vacation/adventure ever? 

What do you want to learn on this trip?

How do you want to express your creativity on the trip?

While Traveling Writing Prompts

While traveling, you want to write about your experience and explore the deeper meaning of how you feel. The more vivid you can write, the more it will benefit your creativity in the future as well. Studies have found that looking back on memories, especially when you can connect them through a narrative and the senses can spark the same happy feelings you had at the time. Try these travel journal prompts to spark creativity while traveling.

Why are you traveling? What are your expectations?

Describe the scene around you right now through senses, smell, sight, touch, taste, and sound.

Sketch a local landmark or scene.

How did you feel waking up in a new place?

Write about three unique observations you noticed today?

What made you choose this destination?

What’s something new you learned today?

Have any of your perceptions or opinions changed?

What are you missing about home?

What will you miss when you return home?

Post Travel Writing Prompts

Reflection throughout the experience can help you grow and find insights. Try these travel journal prompts and look back on your past entries to see what conclusions you can draw and how you can use those experiences for the future.

How did you feel coming home?

What’s a problem that happened during your trip? Brainstorm solutions for your next trip or how you can help others overcome them.

How has travel changed or shaped you?

What is the biggest lesson that travel has taught you?

What is something you regret not doing or trying?

What are you most grateful for about this trip?

What is your favorite memory of the entire trip?

What new experiences made you feel most outside of your comfort zone?

What were some low points of your trip and what did you learn from them?

Where do you want to go next? Why?

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