Photo by 7inchs from Pexels

10 Unique Travel Experiences for Creatives

Discover 10 of the most unique travel experiences to support creativity and other health benefits of creative travel.

New ideas and creativity come from new connections and experiences. Improving these connections comes from healthy habits for well-being, changing our environment, learning new things, and experiences that change perspectives. Travel supports all of these elements but requires an open mind to take the first steps. Like Lao Zi says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Creative travel adds focus that supports the tourists’ creativity through their active participation in experiences that are characteristic of their destination and engaging with the locals and their culture. Tourists who open themselves to creative travel tend to become more intellectually curious, creative, and imaginative.

Elements of Creative travel

  • Curious Exploration
  • New Perspectives
  • Mindfulness
  • Learning New Things
  • Rest
  • Play

Salsa Dancing in Cuba

“To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.”

― Jane Austen

Cuba has inspired many great creative minds like Ernest Hemingway. This colorful city is full of unique travel experiences for creatives. Even sitting at a cafe can inspire greatness like it has for so many others. One way to mix things up on your visit and unite the mind and body is to learn the beautiful art of salsa dancing. 

Dancing is a great way to express yourself and connect the mind and body in the present moment. It’s also a great way to improve health and mood. Salsa is a mixture of Cuban dances such as mambo, pachanga, rumba, American swing, and tap. 

Creative Lessons

  • Dancing releases endorphins that are conducive to learning, improving well-being, and reducing stress
  • Dancing incorporates several brain functions and a mind-body connection that can boost memory
  • Dancing improves balance, strength, and cardiovascular health

Travel Tips

  • Learn to laugh at yourself – You won’t be an expert when you first start
  • Practice by yourself – There are great apps and videos online to get you started before you go to a dancing hall
  • Dress up to express yourself and remember to have fun

Scuba Diving and Snorkeling

Photo by 7inchs from Pexels

“On the surface of the ocean, men wage war and destroy each other; but down here, just a few feet beneath the surface, there is a calm and peace, unmolested by man”

― Jules Verne

There are few unique travel experiences as life-changing as scuba diving. Scuba diving is the closest thing to flying without actually flying. You feel like you’re part of the marine world which can seem alien at times. One of the best things about this kind of experience is it’s different everywhere you and every time you go. Scuba diving also shares many elements with creative living, including curiosity, mindfulness, autonomy, play, and more.

Scuba Diving Bucket List

  • Great Barrier Reef – Australia
  • Underwater Museum – Cancun, Mexico
  • Swim Between Two Continents – Silfra, Iceland
  • Sardine Run – South Africa
  • The Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
  • Great Blue Hole – Belize
  • Hawaii

Creative Lessons

  • Appreciate nature in new ways.
  • Teaches breath control and relaxation to remain calm in tough situations.
  • Learn new communication techniques.
  • Improve mindfulness to be present in the here and now.

Travel Tips

  • Make sure you are certified to dive.
  • Dive with a certified diving school.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings.
  • Try a night dive for a completely new and unique experience.

Wildlife Safari in Africa

Photo by Harshil Gudka on Unsplash

“I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not happy.”

― Ernest Hemingway

Going on a wildlife safari is an amazing way to experience nature like never before. See the circle of life and appreciate nature in all its unique ways. Man has always gone to nature to learn and be inspired. From Shaolin monks creating new fighting styles to artists and scientists finding inspiration for innovations. By understanding more about the world around us and our effect on it, we can take better care of it.

If you’re looking for unique travel experiences to inspire creativity, always look to nature first. There’s always something new to see, learn, and be grateful for in nature.

Creative Lessons

  • Disconnect from technology and appreciate nature
  • Improve focus by observing nature in all its details and behaviors
  • Observe animals for lessons on how to live in the moment

Travel Tips

  • Pair with other creative habits like photography and sketching
  • Learn about local cultures and their relationship with nature and animal life
  • Learn and support conservation efforts

Awe in the Marvel of the Northern Lights

Photo by stein egil liland from Pexels

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”

Albert Einstein

Seeing the Northern Lights is on many people’s travel bucket lists, but how you see them can change the experience entirely. From going on a cruise to staying in an igloo. This unique experience is truly a wonderful way to view the colors of nature painted across the sky.

Creative Lessons

  • Appreciate nature in new ways
  • It can be a challenging experience to get to a spot and endure the elements

Travel Tips

  • Plan for the right time of year – It’s not usually possible to see the lights during the summertime
  • Avoid the full moon
  • Pair with other creative hobbies like photography and drawing
  • Northern Lights are unpredictable, so go for the destination

Hot-Air Ballooning in Cappadocia, Turkey

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

“Distance lends enchantment to the view.”

― Mark Twain

Experiencing new perspectives is an important part of creative living and the creative process. Viewing problems differently from a mindset point of view and physically changing your perspective can do wonders for your creativity. A great way to practice this and have a unique experience while you travel is hot air balloon rides, and one of the best places to do this is in Cappadocia, Turkey. The typical Turkish hot air balloon ride will take you above a volcanic landscape with golden views around sunrise.

Creative Lessons

  • Seek new perspectives
  • You can overcome a fear of heights
  • Increases energy, serotonin, and creates memories that boost well-being

Travel Tips

  • Pair with other creative habits like photography
  • Hot air ballooning is usually an early-morning activity, so get ready to wake up early
  • Dress warmly
  • The hot air balloon season is year-round
  • It’s not cheap and you need to book early – More than 100 balloons fly every morning

Walk the Great Wall of China

“All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

There’s a famous saying in China, “不到长城非好汉 (bú dào Chángchéng fēi hǎohàn) He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.”

The Great Wall is one of the new seven wonders of the world and a must for anyone traveling to China. There are many ways to experience this unique travel destination, from hiking to zip lines, slides, marathon running, camping, and even scuba diving.

Visiting this remarkable destination is an opportunity to experience both the engineering and creative history of China and connect with the nature and landscape of China.

Creative Lessons

  • Let curiosity guide your journey
  • Everything is a process – Appreciate all parts of the journey
  • Challenge yourself – Each step is one step closer to your goal

Travel Tips

  • Camp on the great wall if you get the chance
  • Pay attention and practice mindful walking to stay safe and in the moment
  • Avoid the peak season and crowds of summer  

Relax in the Blue Lagoon Hot Springs in Iceland

Photo by Peter Stewart from Pexels

“There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.”

Sylvia Plath

Rest is essential for a creative life and healthy living, and travel is not only the perfect time for rest but also great for finding new ways to rest. Hot springs, like the famous geothermal spa, Blue Lagoon, in Iceland have been used for centuries because of their healing and restorative properties.

Hot springs have several therapeutic benefits including, supporting blood circulation, reducing stress, relieving pain, promoting sleep, and more. Water has also been a source of inspiration for creatives throughout time. There’s a reason why many creatives get their best ideas in the shower. It helps relax the mind and inspires a flow of ideas.

If you’re traveling for relaxation, the Blue Lagoon hot springs in Iceland is one of the best. The beautiful and calming water’s milky blue shade is due to its high silica content and is rich in salts and algae. The average temperature is 37–39 °C (99–102 °F), perfect for relaxation.

Creative Lessons

  • Rest is part of the creative process – When you step away and relax, you’re one step closer to that aha moment. 
  • Be like water – Water is a great teacher of creative and healthy living

Travel Tips

  • Make a reservation beforehand
  • Try the lagoon’s famous silica mud and algae masks to nourish and heal skin
  • Despite being a popular destination, it never feels too crowded because of its size
  • Try visiting the Blue Lagoon at night is for the chance to see the Northern Lights while you’re there
  • Bring a waterproof phone case
  • Try to now get your hair wet in the lagoon – The hot spring is great for skin but not so much for hair

Take In the Views From Tallest Building in the World, Burj Khalifa, Dubai

Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric from Pexels

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Burj Khalifa or Khalifa Tower in Dubai is a skyscraper with a total height of 829.8 m (2,722 ft), making it the tallest structure and building in the world since its topping out in 2009. It’s so tall that when the tide is low and, visibility is high, people can see the shores of Iran from the top of the skyscraper.

An important part of the creative process is in finding new perspectives. To support this internal process, physically experiencing new perspectives through creative travel can aid the creative mind. The Observation Deck on the 124th floor of this building will give you a breathtaking view from a height of 452 m (1,483 ft). There are also plenty of activities in and around the tower to connect other unique travel experiences with your visit.

Creative Lessons

  • Seek new perspectives
  • Overcome fears

Travel Tips

  • Dine at At.mosphere – one of the top restaurants that the tower hosts
  • Book tickets early for the viewing deck

Ride the Trans-Siberian Railway Across Russia

Boccaccio1, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

“Trains are wonderful…. To travel by train is to see nature and human beings, towns and churches, and rivers, in fact, to see life.”

― Agatha Christie

Trains are a beautiful and creative way to travel. With all the passing scenery, time for creativity, meeting new people, and comfort, it’s a unique travel experience everyone should have. Train travel is also more eco-friendly.

By far the most famous and unique train ride is the world’s longest railway, the Trans-Siberian Railway (7,621km) journey from Beijing to Moscow is truly a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Creative Lessons

  • Nothing is Permanent – Practice letting go because train travel will show you just how fast a beautiful view can come and go
  • Be open to new people and experiences
  • Let go and learn the benefits of slow travel

Travel Tips

  • Pair a creative project with the long journey
  • Use train travel to catch up on creative habits like journaling
  • Meet your fellow train passengers and listen to their stories
  • Relax and enjoy the journey

Experience Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

Photo by Max Christian on Unsplash

“Lots of people talk to animals…Not very many listen though…that’s the problem.”

A.A. Milne

Hike through tropical forests of Africa to see the mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. These intelligent creatures are endangered and need to be protected. By learning more about them and supporting the conservation of their habitat, we can continue to learn and appreciate their beauty.

Creative Lessons

  • Nature can enhance creative ways of thinking
  • Animals teach us to savor the moment
  • What do you need to be happy? Animals can teach us about the simplicity of happy living
  • Get relaxed through forest bathing

Travel Tips

  • Improve photography skills and express your experience visually
  • Be sure to get a permit before you arrive
  • Waterproof your camera and use absolutely no flash
  • Train before you leave – get used to hiking
  • Respect the gorillas’ space
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