Welcome to Creative Enso – The Zen Art of Creative Living

How does your lifestyle support your creativity?

Welcome to Creative Enso! Do you ask questions like: How can I be more creative? What are the secrets of creative geniuses? How can I overcome my creative blocks? You’re in the right place. Creative Enso is dedicated to the exploration of creativity and living well. Learn how to free the mind to let the body create.

“To a mind that is still, the entire universe surrenders.”
― Zhuangzi

Why We Need Creativity

Progress and innovation drives humanity. We are not a stagnate species. No matter how good an idea is, we always ask, what’s next? How can we improve?

Creativity is more important than ever, and yet creatives still face the same problems of balancing the stresses of life and the difficulties of the creative process.

In the book, A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink points out this importance by saying,  

“We are moving from an economy and a society built on the logical, linear, computerlike capabilities of the Information Age to an economy and a society built on the inventive, empathic, big-picture capabilities of what’s rising in its place, the Conceptual Age.”

To survive in this emerging world, people need a new focus and passion for creativity.

What makes this change difficult is how little we know about creativity.

Many people still believe creativity is a trait inherent in one’s heritage or genes. Creativity is not something you do or a personality trait – it’s a way of life, a lifestyle.

We need creativity to find purpose and enjoyment in the chaos of existence. And we need well-being and mental health to survive the process of creativity.

What Is Creative Enso?

The world is entering a new age. Work is shifting to design, the creative class is becoming the leading force of growth in the economy, and automation is helping people have more time to live. Dan Pink calls it the Conceptual Age. These changes are making us ask deeper questions about work, living, and the future.

Despite this, the US and much of the world are going through a creative and mental health crisis. 19% of adults are experiencing a mental illness. Equal to more than 47 million Americans (2021). 

Although there’s a lot we don’t know about the creative mind and well-being, we do know they work together. A creative mind is a healthy mind. Stress can shrink parts of the brain associated with emotions, metabolism, and memory. It can even kill brain cells, and long-term stress can change the structure and functions of the brain. 

Because creativity does not involve a single brain region or side of the brain, but the whole brain. Creatives need to care for their minds. It’s a bit of a circular paradox.

Creative activities can improve well-being, but creatives also need wellness habits to support creativity.

Through creative living, one can learn how to express oneself by living in the moment where the mind is free to let the body create. By focusing on well-being and cultivating creativity, anyone can develop a more creative and happy life.

Learn more about the Ensō circle.

Creativity is a journey, a way of living. To be creative means to think outside the box, practice wellness, seek new perspectives, and cultivate curiosity. To live creatively, one must practice creativity in all aspects of life. Develop your creative lifestyle by learning from the lives of creative geniuses, fun tips & tricks, helpful products, inspiring news, and things that are interesting to creatives.

The creative process is rewarding, but it can also be challenging. Staying productive requires focus and patience. All creatives get distracted or feel uninspired at some point, but there are many techniques you can use to stay motivated and get work done. Learn strategies, creative hacks, insights into the routines and processes of creative geniuses, and tools to boost and improve the creative process.

The benefits of travel are great. Humans have been a traveling species for as long as we’ve been around. First for survival and now for well-being. Traveling can change you both physically and psychologically. A new reason for travel that is emerging is creativity. As our understanding of the neuroscience of creativity, scientists have found how new experiences can stimulate creativity. Learn more about how you can trigger creativity through travel, learn from international communities, and discover the best travel experiences for creatives.

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